Hosted by Julien Marcelle

Power Play is a role-playing game in which two or more players use power exchange to enjoy erotic energy, explore one's physical and mental limits, and live their fantasy! This workshop offers tools to enjoy a safe and respectful setting for every sexuality, and will invite you to play with the many aspects of POWER. It's fun, it's exciting, and most importantly, it allows you to really express what you like to give and recieve.

Are you giving pleasure or allowing your partner to take it from you? Are you making the difference between the person you are and the character you play? How clearly do you understand your partners' desires? How can you check up on each other without killing the mood? Do you really allow yourself to express your pleasure?

This workshop is designed for total newbies and kink veterans alike. Your gender, sexual orientation or queerness doesn't matter, as this approach spotlights many aspects that will empower every sexuality. It is advised to come with one (or multiple) play partners, but you may come alone too. There will be interactive games between participants, but you can choose to only interact with your play-partner. As always, only do what you feel ready to do.

There won't be any full nudity or actual sex during this workshop - although you might expect some level of arousal.

Module 1 - Safety: Theoretical presentation of what is Power Play. How can it be played safely, and some inspiration to trigger your imagination. After this session, you will have a better understanding of the broadness and diversity of the playground, and how to start to navigate these tricky fields.

Module 2 - Practice: Practical tryout workshop for pairs. Test the variety of the Tools of Power : voice, command, pain, mindfucks, primal energies... After this session, you will have a general idea of which tool feels natural to you, and the basics on how to use it for pleasure.

Module 3 - Intuition : Sense the temperature of your action, the receptivity of your partner, learn to improvise, give intention to your moves. After this session, you will have a better sense of the diversity of behaviour you can enhance, and how to get in and out of character a bit more fluidly.

Module 4 - Story : Deeper into the narrative, to really mix kink and story-telling. Learn to create a more complex character, evolution, rupture point, climax, sexy scenario which can expand to multiple sessions, and give life to your fantasies. After this session, you will have some basics for experimenting a fantasy play, how to create a fitting story for your diverse kinks, and give rythm and progression to a session.


30€ per module

-> Module 1 is mandatory before having acces to any other modules

Schedule :

06.30pm : social potluck

07:00pm : workshop

10:00pm : end


Module 1 : 14/11
Module 2 : 21/11
Module 3 : 28/11
Module 4 : 05/12


Module 1 : 30/01
Module 2 : 06/02
Module 3 : 13/02
Module 4 : 20/02


Module 1 : 03/04
Module 2 : 10/04
Module 3 : 17/04
Module 4 : 24/04


Module 1 : 05/06
Module 2 : 12/06
Module 3 : 19/06
Module 4 : 26/06

Fantasy Circle

Hosted by Julien Marcelle

Being fully connected to your body during an erotic practice is awesome, yes, but let's not forget that your mind is one of the most erogenous zone of the body. This workshop propose some depth to your sexuality by adding a mental layer to it, like a daydream you use as a background movie for your sexual stimulation.

1 - Feed your Imagination : We will play a narrative game, where we create naughty stories together, and position ourselves towards different aspects, to know ourselves better in terms of mental erotic triggers. What we like mentally is often different than what we like physically, and that's why it is important to take the time to explore that playground. This part is made for people who usually focus on feelings, and don't usually dream in their sexuality.

2 -  Express your Fantasy : We sometimes think about stuff we keep taboo, as it feels shameful, non-ethical, disrespectful, or just too weird. Can you dare to stimulate yourself while thinking about such things ? A safe space will invite you to openly talk about the things you usually keep for yourself. I will help you to find words to express what excites you. Let's have fun while mindmapping our erotic mental triggers.

3 - How to Fantasy Play : When you have a clear fantasy, and you know how to talk about it, and to be specific about what really turns you on about it, AND really want to make it happen, there's a myriad of question that emerge. How, with whom, for how long, where ? Identify the logistical points, create a safe frame, and find ways to stage it all to make the impossible possible. Self conditionnement, a bit of costumes and a good soundtrack can make you believe your fantasy is actually happening. Actually, it doesn't need to really happen (that's the best part), it just need to push the right buttons in your mind to send you into that fantasy play, and have your mind playing with you, and not against you, in your sexuality.

Price: 30€

Tuesday 9th of January

Wednesday 28th of February

Thursday 23rd of May

Schedule :

7pm : start of the workshop

10.30pm : end of the workshop